The single-cycle Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine of the University of Padova was visited in October 2020 and has been awarded the status of Accreditation, according to the EAEVE standards and evaluation system.
EAEVE, which stands for European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education, is an ENQA-affiliated body (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).
Since 1988, EAEVE has been assessing and promoting, at the European level, the quality of veterinary degree courses by evaluating training contents, teaching methods and spaces used for the teaching of veterinary medicine. The organization’s main objectives include the harmonisation of minimum standards for the training of veterinarians, as well as the strengthening of cooperation between member institutions.
The following key points are thoroughly assessed during the accreditation process: general organization, contents, methods and objectives of the training programme.
The ESEVT, European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training identifies quantitative and qualitative targets to meet. The evaluation process takes places on the basis of the ESEVT targets, which are thoroughly addressed in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
More specifically, the accreditation process includes two different phases: An initial phase during which the Visiting Committee, composed of members from various veterinary disciplines, a student representative and a stakeholder, provides an assessment based on contents dealt with in the Self-Evaluation Report (SER). The SER is drafted by the establishment undergoing assessment and may include further supporting documents.
The second phase of the accreditation process involves an on-site visit by the Committee. The on-site visit aims at assessing both facilities and services available for veterinary teaching and training, in addition to ensuring compliance with safety procedures, transparency and quality of organization.
At the end of the on-site visit, one of the following status is awarded:
Accreditation, when no major failures are found;
Conditional accreditation, when one major failure is found;
Non-accreditation, when more major failures are found.
The Single Cycle Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine was warded the Accreditation status in 2010 and will undergo a new full visitation in November 2020.